It is pretty obvious that we cannot change how the world operates. We may be able to escape the demands anxiety detox this cure anxiety world by hibernating in some out of the way place where development is non-existent, but this isn't practical for most of us. The advancement in science and technology definitely made it a smaller world. There is really no escaping our reality. Since anxiety attack help attacks are prevalent in developed and developing nations, how can a panic attack sufferer efficiently and skillfully deal with his or her condition? Are there really long term treatments that can help eradicate these panic attacks? Is the sufferer cursed to have these attacks for his or her entire life?
The most common and effective cure for panic attacks is deep breathing. Breathing exercises,such as diaphragmatic breathing have proven very useful in a long term basis. Once the panic attack sufferer learns the proper way of breathing through their nose and exhaling through their mouth, the symptoms of panic attacks are immediately eradicated. Breathing slowly improves oxygen supply to the blood and relaxes the nerves and muscles. This also helps eliminate any hallucinatory symptoms.
Another reliable method to cure panic attacks is with the use of Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). CBT offers strategies to eliminate the core fears and provide ways to grapple with their situation. Panic attack sufferers will learn appropriate ways on how to face their fears, anxiety and get rid of the anxiety symptoms. This will help the patient to minimize catastrophic fears related to misinformation or ignorance. It will focus on real life experiences related to phobias or anxieties.
Treatment of emotional problems will definitely provide a long term cure for panic attacks. Clinical depression has always been associated with panic disorders. Thus, there is a need to pay attention and provide solutions if the sufferer has alcoholism or drug addiction. It is important to know that the use of recreational drugs or alcohol generally worsens the symptoms of panic attacks. Most stimulant drugs, caffeine nicotine especially, can worsen the condition, since they directly increase the symptoms of panic, such as rapid heart rate or palpitations.
Interoceptive Desensitization involves actual exposure to fear cues. Simulations are conducted to draw out any symptoms of panic attacks. These are done at least three times a day and will last for some weeks until the patient no longer experiences the symptoms of panic attacks. After repeated exposure, the brain learns to be impervious of the fear and the internal sensations and alarming nervous system response fades.
The use of medications such as antidepressants and anti-anxiety drugs can provide a long term cure for panic attacks. However, its usage differs and would be dependent on the physician's advice. There is an on-going heated discussion on the use of medications since as much as possible, drug dependency is not being encouraged to cure panic attacks.
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