Monday, April 13, 2009

How to Avoid Panic Attacks, Or Not! want to learn how to avoid panic attack? If so, Panic Attacks have take the wrong approach in tackling panic attack. Panic attack can be stopped. However, I have never advised anyone to avoid it. Avoidance can do more harm than good, Anxiety Cure its especially true for panic attack sufferers.

During the very first panic attack, the shock of having one can leave a very lasting experience on the person. In fact, it can be so traumatizing that the person will associate the panic attack with the activity or place and start to AVOID that situation. Needless to say, panic attack never does go away and the person continue to re-live the experience again and again.

They avoid things that trigger their attack. They avoid places that trigger their attack. Eventually, the "avoid list" Anxiety Cure larger and larger until they avoid going out altogether.

Even then, does the panic attack goes away?

This is the main problem - avoiding the problem. Ask yourself this question, why do you avoid panic attack? Because you FEAR it will happen again. Panic attack strikes due to this FEAR. If you do not fear it, panic attack cannot happen.

Avoidance stems from fear. When your Anxiety Cure fearful of Panic Attacks you avoid it.

You fear getting burned, you avoid playing with fire.

You fear getting cut, you avoid playing with knives.

You fear getting bitten by a dog, you avoid going near it.

You fear dieing during a panic attack, you avoid triggering it. WRONG!

The reason why many sufferers fear panic attack comes from this misconception of dieing. They have difficulty in breathing; they feel dizzy; they feel like having a heart attack; they think they are dieing. These symptoms are real - they are not imagined in your mind. BUT, they CANNOT kill you, its a proven medical fact. You will not die or even be maimed from them - despite how awful you may feel at the time.

Do not fear panic attack...and certainly, do not avoid it.

Never Suffer From Panic Attacks Again!

Get the FREE Panic Attack Report Now and Get Rid Of Panic Attack Forever!

Yehudi Gordon has launched Babiesknow for parents of infants.

Panic Attacks Causes - The Most Common Causes of Panic Attacks

Panic attacks and anxiety disorders are widespread across the globe in today's society. With the added tension and stress around within every different culture, there is no wonder panic attacks and anxiety disorders effect so many Panic Attacks us. So when it comes Anxiety Cure Panic Attacks Causes, which are actually most common in today's world.

Causes of panic attacks can be small, not every panic attack is brought on by a huge occurrence. The general, most common causes tend to be situational such as phobias, large crowds, public speaking or tight spaces. Many sufferers fall into this category and feel anxious at these type of situations. This can be brought on from other occurrences in a persons life that completely destroys confidence. Those simple things that were once something Anxiety Attacks did on a regular basis, now seem like a iron wall that cannot be penetrated.

Another major cause of panic attacks and anxiety disorders can be genetic or a life changing occurrence that can link in with the cause in the paragraph above. This certain cause can bring on panic attacks in a previous non sufferer. For example, a lost loved one, breakdown in marriage or job redundancy can result in panic attacks. So while they can be controlled and cured, they can also spring on at a moments notice.

The use of stimulants such as caffeine, alcohol, nicotine or drug abuse can also cause anxiety disorders that lead to panic attacks. Again, this is happening in once non sufferers of panic attacks meaning anxiety and panic disorders are becoming more widespread on a daily basis.

These are just a few of the most common Panic Attacks Anxiety Attacks that are currently effecting so many of us in today's society. The added pressures of our daily lifestyle and with the added effects of everyday personal problems, it does become more apparent that panic attacks and anxiety disorders are becoming more common throughout the world. If left untreated, can also grow and drive well out of control!

Do you suffer from Panic Attacks or an overwhelming feeling of Anxiety? The information here: Panic Attacks Treatment Could possibly change your life!

Yehudi Gordon has launched Babiesknow for parents of infants.

Friday, April 10, 2009

Is the Stress Causing Your Anxiety Panic Attack Symptoms? Part One

Often I hear Panic Anxiety stress is just a normal biological response that Panic Attacks have Panic Anxiety protect us from danger. There are some good stuff to say about stress and of course, some bad things to say too. If you think about it for a minute, stress keeps us focused and mentally alert to whatever "danger" that is facing us. And unfortunately, that danger can be real or imagine. But mostly imagined! Don't get me wrong here, even imagined stress is REAL stress.

So what happens is that because of all the stress we absorb each day, if we don't adopt some sort of stress relief, the cumulative stress can Panic Attacks anxiety panic attacks symptoms that we experience.

And these anxiety and panic attacks can appear out of the blue and after a while, just seem like the everyday stress related problems that all of us face now and then. But the danger of undiagnosed anxiety panic attacks symptoms can really get out of control into a full blown panic attacks.

And that would be very bad and very upsetting!

So to start with, to recognize the indicators for an anxiety attack, you should understand a little more about the symptoms of the underlying stress at first. And yes, many folks experience stress differently. But the general symptoms of stress is usually problems with memory, difficulties in concentrating, confusion and racing thoughts.

For example, if you are socially shy, you may find yourself blanking out while speaking with an attractive member of the opposite sex. That would be a good example of stress.

And for some of you, you will also notice some symptoms of anxiety attacks too. And some of those symptoms will manifest as physical symptoms such as shortness of breath, trembling, stomachaches, pounding heart rhythm and hot or cold flashes.

Also, when your anxiety attacks reaches it's zenith, you will start to experience being out of control and losing control of yourself. You may believe that you are going to die. Surprisingly, some folks don't even recognize their anxiety or panic attack symptoms for what they are.

And this is why it is critically important to see your medical doctor to get the correct diagnosis and put a name to your condition. When you think about it, it is absolutely NOT normal to experience anxiety or panic attack symptoms. Not at all!

Another good reason to see your doctor is to be sure that your symtoms are not a more serious medical illness. So play it safe and see your doctor to get proper diagnosis and treatment.

If your doctor rules out anything medical and arrives at a decision that your symptoms are anxiety related, he may want to start you on some anti-anxiety medication. This medication will help relieve some of the symptoms that bothers you. Your physician may also urge you to see a counselor that specializes in stress, anxiety and panic disorders.

And this is what usually happens when you do see the counselor. This person will ask you some questions and read your medical history to determine what underlying stresses is causing your symptoms to manifest themselves. And once you both figure out what those contributing factors are, a plan of action (or a treatment plan) will be set up. And your counselor can help guide you through the stressors and help you find ways to alleviate or Panic Anxiety the source of stresses in your daily life.

I would suggest that you look on the Internet to find some relaxation techniques that specifically target the stress removal from your mind and body. Find some ways to manage your stress level so they don't become unmanageable. There are breathing exercises that you can do to improve your body's oxygen level so that it will slow down your racing heart.

Just some pointers that you may want to look into to reduce your stress to prevent your anxiety panic attacks symptoms from reoccurring.

So if you want to cure your anxiety panic attacks symptoms without medication or expensive therapy, you can find out how to stop panic attacks permanently at my website.

And I will reveal to you how you too can live your normal life again... Click here to get started =>

And while you are visiting my website, don't forget to grab your free report how to reduce your stress when you sign up for the free panic attacks newsletter.

You have permission to publish this article in your web sites, ezines or electronic publication, as long as the piece is used in its entirety including the resource box, all hyperlinks (HTML clickable) and references and copyright info.

Keri Taylor has suffered from anxiety and panic attacks from the time she was a young girl. She is sharing her struggle and how she finally found a solution that stopped panic attacks and anxiety. Keri's release of Panic Attack No More provides her detailed story and how others can achieve similar results.

Panic Attack Triggers

For those that don't know panic attacks can be triggered at any Panic Attacks without any warning. There are 2 types of stimuli that usually trigger an anxiety attack: External and Internal.

Internal stimuli include any sensation/feeling/thought that your body or brain perceives:

* bodily sensations such racing heartbeats

* thoughts

* memories

* intense emotions

External stimuli include anything in the environment that the senses can perceive:

* changing temperature in the room

* sudden changes in the light's intensity

* loud voices/sounds or simply the change in the sound's intensity

* weird taste in the mouth

* fast moving objects (a speedy car, someone running fast by)

* smell

Patients suffering panic attacks aren't usually aware of these triggers that it would seem hard for them to believe they are Panic Anxiety the anxiety attacks. It requires a bit of understanding of why these external and internal stimuli do trigger panic attacks.

It's simply the nature of the human being. Some people inherit a high sensitive nervous system and all of these external and internal stimuli are added up to the Panic Attacks tension that an anxiety patient experiences throughout the day. Panic disorder sufferers should be supported by their families, friends and co-workers.

It's important to stay away from cigarettes, coffee, energy drinks and other caffeine based drinks as they highly affect the nervous system.

Panic disorders can be treated effectively using medication, therapies or simply learning how to control emotions and become more confident. There are numerous online programs that help sufferers achieve their inner self-confidence, peace and treat panic attacks naturally.

Alexandru is the founder of Relief Anxiety

Feel free to read more on panic attacks and check out the most popular natural cures for anxiety now by visiting his website:

Anxiety Cures and Treatments

She had just graduated from Barnard College, landed a prestigious internship in a Panic Anxiety city, and was making successful rent payments. Life was going as she had planned until the end of the summerwhen she found herself jobless and sinking into depression.